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Communicate within the Referral

Learn how to attach a note or a message to the referral

Rachel Shelswell avatar
Written by Rachel Shelswell
Updated over a week ago

If you would like to add some extra information to your referral, you can achieve this by adding an internal note, or by sending a message to the provider or referrer. 

What is a Message?

A message is how the referrer and the provider can communicate back and forth from within the referral. The referrer will only be notified of this, or be able to view it, if they are a Caredove user. A member of the public will not have access to deeper referral content like this.

To start, navigate to Referrals and choose your Inbox or Outbox. Using the 3-dot menu, select Message. 


  • The referrer might let the provider know that the registrant has a dog in the house, or smokes. 

  • The referrer might let the provider know the correct address and postal code if they made a mistake on initial submission. 

  • The provider might communicate to the referrer that the registrant's phone number is incorrect. 

  • If you're an IHP, will it transition to the downloadable NSO form? Yes.

What is a Note?

A note is a one-way record of additional referral details. It's one-way because there isn't a back and forth between two parties. It's added by one user and not able to be responded to by another, unless it's an intra-agency private discussion. Neither user receives an email notification about a note, it simply adds a Note icon in either their inbox or outbox to indicate more information has been added.

To start, navigate to Referrals and choose your Inbox or Outbox. Using the 3-dot menu, select Note. 

Internal Note

  • Where can you view it? Parent or Child Referral

  • Who can add one? Either the referral sender or receiver.

  • Who can view it? ONLY users at the author’s agency

  • When can you view it? Regardless of which referral (parent or child) that the note is added to, it will be visible at both once submitted.

  • If you're an IHP, will it transition to the downloadable NSO form? No.

Standard Note

  • Where can you view it? Within the referral the provider adds it to (one of parent or child referral)

  • Who can add one? User who received the referral.

  • Who can view it? Employees of the agency + anyone who has access to view the PHI of the referral (such as the referral sender)

  • When can you view it? Once the provider adds it to the referral, the sender can automatically view it in the outbox.

  • If you're an IHP, will it transition to the downloadable NSO form? Yes.

Note examples:

  • Internal: You (the provider) add a note reminder to follow up with the client for additional information, such as their email.

  • Internal: An intake staff member at your agency adds a note regarding the caregiver for the final provider i.e. caregiver has indicated they are best reached in the morning.

  • Standard: Provider may add information regarding the referral such as "Thanks for the referral. Next time please include client's diagnosis in the comments box."

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