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Manage Staff Schedules

Learn how to add breaks when you are not available for appointments.

Rachel Shelswell avatar
Written by Rachel Shelswell
Updated over 9 months ago

Maternity leaves, vacations and illnesses can prevent us from working for a period of time. It is important to indicate this as a break in Caredove so that you don't get booked for appointments. 

Start by navigating to Calendar in the top menu and selecting the Holidays/Breaks tab.

  1. Select the individual that the break applies to at the top. 

  2. Select the reason for the break from the dropdown menu (ex. planned vacation).

  3. Indicate the start and end date of the break period.

  4. Select the blue Add Break button on the right. 

The break will be indicated in the calendar and the staff member will not be booked for appointments during this period. Any appointment recurrences that the user has set up will disappear during their break.

NOTE: In order for a holiday/break to override existing appointment availability and recurrences, the time of the holiday/break must cover the BEGINNING of the appointment slot, otherwise, the available time slot will remain open and bookable.

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