The recurrences feature is simply the most optimal way to set your booking availability in Caredove.
To avoid the timely process of adding individual open appointment time slots, Recurrences allows you to set your schedule once, and allow the calendar to populate future availability for you.
How to Add Recurring Availability
Navigate to your Calendar in the top menu.
Select Recurrences
Select + Add new recurring appointment
Edit the availability information:
Event Type:
Individual: 1-1 sessions
Group: set a specific number of participant slots.
Timeslots: Enter all desired start times separated by commas (e.g. 8:30am, 11:00am, 2pm).
Start Date: Set the desired start date.
Duration: Define the appointment duration to reserve the allocated time.
Recurrences: Select specific or all the days of the week when appointments will occur. Ensure you're considering the services you have available during these times.
End Date: Optionally, set an end date for the recurring availability.
Provided by: Choose the provider offering the availability.
Location: Specify the location options, including virtual, on-site, or other custom options defined by your organization.
Service Options: Select the services you'll provide during these time slots, ensuring accuracy when selecting what services you will be available for.
NOTE: Add multiple time slots to associated day(s) of the week as one recurrence, rather than creating an individual time slot recurrence for that availability.
Example: One recurrence for Tuesdays for all available time slots, 9:30 am, 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm, etc. vs. individual recurrences for Tuesdays at 9:30 am, Tuesdays at 12:00 pm, Tuesdays at 3:00 pm.
💡 Pro Tip: the Recurrences tab is the best spot in Caredove to manage future recurring availability.
Alternatively, you can also add this availability by:
Select Calendar
Select + New Entry
Select Recurrences: Repeats when editing appointment information.
Add multiple services if desired
How to Edit or Delete Recurring Availability
Navigate to your Calendar in the top menu.
Select Recurrences
Hover over existing availability to reveal editing icons.
Select the pen icon 🖋️ to edit details.
Select the 'X' button to remove availability entirely.
Note: Deleting availability will not affect future appointments already scheduled.
What if My Availability is One-Time Only?
For one-time availability not recurring, follow these steps:
Select Calendar
Select + New Entry
Proceed with editing details of your availability and do not select Recurrences.
Need Assistance?
Connect with us in the chat box on your Caredove system and we'll provide the support you need to optimize your service listings and streamline your client referral process 😄