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Edit Emails

The Calendar Settings enables an organization to customize the outgoing registrant Email

Rachel Shelswell avatar
Written by Rachel Shelswell
Updated over 9 months ago

You organization may choose to collect the registrant's email as part of the service request form. Confirmation and reminder emails can then be sent. This helps the registrant remember what will be happening, when.

The timing, and what can be done through these emails, can be customized to your needs.

Start by navigating to Settings in the top menu, and select a Calendar.  From here, scroll to 'Edit Email & Handout Content'.  This is where you can customize the content of reminders, emails, and handouts given to registrants.

Once completed, scroll further to 'Edit Email & Handout Behaviour'. This is where you can allow registrants to self-service appointments by including certain actions in the email. 

Note: Registrants must consent to sharing their email for the purposes expressed, for confirmation and reminder emails to be sent.

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