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CRM: HSP Process

A guide for the HSP Intake personnel to understand their processes within Caredove.

Rachel Shelswell avatar
Written by Rachel Shelswell
Updated over a week ago

Before we get started, we recommend setting Chrome as your default browser if possible.

Note: on Go Live date with Caredove, you will have several referrals in your inbox. These belong to the clients who are currently admitted at your location, and who will be your first discharges on Caredove. Update their statuses as appropriate within the first few weeks after logging into the platform.

Receiving A Referral

Gif of receiving email notification of a referral and then selecting to view the referral within the platform
  1. You'll be notified of a new referral via email. Select View Referral from your email to see the new referral.

  2. Navigate through the referral to review the information. Ignore the Inbox/outbox flags, they're used to indicate referral priority internally.

  3. Complete your personal intake process—at this time all communication with the referral source will be through emails and phone as previous and CRM does not need to be involved.

  4. If you'd like to add an internal note (visible to Referral Delegates within your agency), select Note in the referral menu. If you'd like to communicate with the CRM team, select Message in the referral menu. Note: this is also viewable within the referral under the Feedback section. 

  5. If you're ready to accept/decline the referral, select Update Status and select the status which is relevant (i.e. On Hold, or Bed Offer/Service Offer – Planned Delayed Admit). In Progress is the recommended status when you have begun to work on the file.

Making a Bed Offer or Waitlisting a Client

Updating referral status to Bed Offer/Service Offer Made
  1. Update Status in Caredove by navigating to the referral, hovering over the three-dot menu, and selecting Update Status. Select Bed Offer/Service Offer Made from the Sub Status under Submitted, or select a relevant Waitlist sub status. 

  2. Transition planned with Referrer and client.

  3. When the client is transitioned to RCU bed or is starting the service, navigate to Admitting the Client to learn how to manage this step.

What's the difference between Submitted and Closed?

  • Submitted: when a referral has been received and is under review

  • Closed: when a decision regarding the referral has been reached to Accept or Decline it (or if the client has opted to Cancel the referral altogether)

Managing a Referral 

Gif of hovering over three-dot menu to select more action items
  1. Navigate to Referrals. Scroll until you find the referral to action.

  2. Hover over the three-dot menu to view your menu options (note: these options also appear at the top of a referral when you view it).

  3. Select the action you want to take, such as Assign Provider (to indicate that you're working on the client's file), or Update Status (if there's been a recent development), or Note (to add internal details).

Note Explanation: Standard Note is shared between you and the referrer, but the referrer cannot respond to it. Internal Note is private to yourself and other staff at your organization, this is typically used for chart notes or private details.

Admitting a Client

Update status to admit a client
  1. When you're admitting a client, or the client is admitted to service, navigate to the referral for that client and hover over the three-dot menu and select Update Status.

  2. Select Closed in the top bar, and select Admit/Service Start within the sub-status.

  3. Then complete the first two Outcome Options under Admission Details. (Note: you can update this in the future if the estimated discharge date changes. You can alter this anytime by selecting Update Status & adjusting the date).

  4. Once finished, scroll to the bottom and select Save.

Cancelled Referral or Match Broken

If you, or the client or hospital referrer, elect not to move forward with the match you need to close the loop.

Update status to Match Broken
  1. Navigate to Referrals and select the Referral to close.

  2. Hover over the three-dot menu.

  3. Change the Radio Box from Submitted to Closed.

  4. Select a sub-status from the drop-down menu to identify why you're closing the referral (i.e. Match Broken/Denied by HSP or Cancelled by Hospital/Patient/Caregiver) (1).

  5. Navigate to the bottom of the options below to find Cancelled by Hospital/Patient/Caregiver or Match Broken/Denied by HSP to select the Reason for the Broken Match or Cancellation (2).

  6. Scroll further to the Message box and type Match Broken (or Cancelled Referral, or something similar) (3). This is crucial to informing the CRM team.

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up (aka Closed Summary) and select Save (4).

Discharge & Completing the Closed Summary

What's a Closed Summary? It appears when you update a referral's status to a Closed state, such as when the client opts to cancel the referral, if you opt to break the match, or if your previously admitted  client to your program is now being discharged. It looks like this ️⤵️

Update sub status to discharge client from program

Your closed summary is integral to proper data collection for the LHIN. As such, ensure you complete the Closed Summary every time you discharge a client. 

  1. To update this, navigate to Referrals and select the Referral you're ready to close.

  2. Hover over the three-dot menu and select Update Status.

  3. Change the circular box from Submitted to Closed.

  4. Select a sub-status from the drop-down menu to identify why you're closing the referral (i.e. Cancelled by Hospital/Patient/Caregiver, Broken Match, Discharged from Program).

  5. Navigate through the options below to indicate the rest of the important data including program discharge details, discharge destination, ALC information, Acute Care Visit information, as well as a few other data pieces.

  6. If Match is Broken, or the Referral is Cancelled, refer to the above section that deals specifically with this.

Note: after you've discharged the client in Caredove, archive the referral.

Understanding Your Closed Summary

Your closed summary can be edited at any time up until you archive the referral. To edit, hover over the referral's three-dot menu, select Update Status & edit fields.

  • Date Referral Received by HSP: this is the date the HSP has received (and reviewed) the referral.

  • Admission Details: this is completed by the HSP when they're ready to Admit or Start Service for the client. It overviews the first date of admission, and discharge estimation dates.

  • ALC: Acute Level of Care - if the client is designated ALC or at risk of it, and the number of ALC days.  If the client is moving to an RCU please ask in the days prior to the confirmed move what the exact ALC date is as the client may have moved from "At Risk" to "ALC".  We always want the most accurate ALC date for calculations by the LHIN for the MOHLTC of ALC days avoided.

  • Caregiver Distress Indexes: These are clear in the Close Summary.  These were descriptors needed for the table before.  We have separated all of these out. (This is only for ReCharge services.)

  • ED Visits: Visit to an acute care hospital ED that did not result in an admission.

  • Acute Care Admission: Visit to an acute care hospital that resulted in an admit that occurred during the client's stay. (This is only for RIUs.)

  • Discharge Date indicates the exact date the client is discharged or their service has ended.

  • Program Discharge Details: type of discharge (planned or unplanned).  These are clear in the Close Summary.  These were descriptors needed for the table before.  We have separated all of these out. 

  • Service Hours: Total of service hours provided in In-Home Respite.

  • Discharge Destination: where the client will go after discharge. 

  • Discharge includes Home and Community Care is a checkmark to indicate if additional care is included in their discharge.

  • Discharge includes linking to other Community Resources is a checkmark to indicate if additional community resources are included in their discharge.

  • Has Satisfaction Survey Been Completed?: This indicates if the client has/has not completed the survey.

  • Cancelled by Hospital/Patient/Caregiver: Used when a referral source, the patient/client, or the caregiver stop the referral process before a client has transitioned in to an RCU or started services.   Options provided.  Please avoid using "other" if at all possible.  CRM Team available to discuss best category if you wish. 

  • Match Broken/Denied by HSP: This is used when it is the HSP provider who has ended the match before the patient can transition or service can start.  Options for broken match are available for tracking.  Again please avoid use of "other."

Update Bed Availability

Once you discharge a client, you should update your bed availability. Updating bed availability, and thus vacancy rates, is simple in Caredove. 

Search for services displays number of beds available in the program

The green box here displays how it will be viewed within the network. 

Listings page in Caredove displaying how to update service status message
  1. Navigate to Listings and select in the Status column under each relevant service to update. 

  2. Simply type in the updates then click on a blank part of the screen to save.

Here are the Bed Codes (i.e. types of beds you may have vacant):

  • V = Vacancy (General vacancy for a regular bed type)

  • M2 = Mechanical Lift & 2 person transfer 

  • L = LTC 

  • P = Progress 

  • N = Non-insured 

  • W = Waitlist

Understanding Parent vs. Child Referrals

  • Parent Referral: the original referral that was received by the CRM team. It was submitted for intake, & will follow the client from Initial Reception to Match.

  • Child Referral: the matched (or routed) referral from CRM to an HSP. This is the referral that you will receive and it will travel from Match to Discharge.

Note: The child referral will also contain the same key information that was submitted with the parent referral.

Pro Tip: frequently refresh your referral inbox page to see the newest incoming referrals. Alternatively, you can download an Auto-Refresh browser extension.

Elements to Ignore

These are elements that belong to Caredove but you won't need to interact with:

  • Within Referrals page: Outbox, Calendar, Booked statuses, & Book button

  • Submitted Statuses: Invite & Invitation Expired

  • When Reviewing a Referral: Inbox and Outbox Flag, Revoke button (NEVER use this), & Remove Personal Information button

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