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Address Form Field

Learn about how to use and configure the address form field.

Ryan Doleweerd avatar
Written by Ryan Doleweerd
Updated over a week ago

Collecting address information is one of the most common questions on Caredove forms. The Caredove address form field has some special behaviours that help you collect accurate address information.

Address Types

The two main uses of the address field is for collecting a registrant's address, or the address of an alternate contact.

You specify which "type" of address (registrant or alternate contact) you are adding, which will affect how the address appears in the Caredove service request record, and how address is used in integrations.

If the address is neither a registrant's address nor an alternate contact, then don't give the address field a type.


Form addresses can localized to be country-locked or international.

Country-locked addresses are used when the address must be in a specific county. Usually a "registrant" type of address will be country locked (because the service is only provided to a single country). Locking the address to a country affects the labels of the fields (e.g., province vs. state, Postal vs. Zip code), the dropdown values of the province field, and the address auto-complete behaviour searches within the locked country. A country locked address field may also work better for integrations. Country locking is currently available for Canada and USA.

International addresses are used when the address can be any country. Usually the "alternate contact" uses international addresses to accommodate for for distant relatives and contacts. If the user chooses a country other than Canada or USA, the "Province/State" and "Postal/Zip code" will act as pure text fields without drop-downs or validations.

Address Autocomplete

When filling out the "Address" field, an auto-complete dropdown will be presented. If a value from the dropdown is selected, then all of the address fields (except line 2) will be filled automatically. Otherwise, the user can fill out all of the fields manually (especially if an auto-complete address cannot be found, which is common for new sub-divisions and certain designations of land).

Customizing forms, including these address fields, is a premium feature. Reach out to Caredove customer support to find out more.

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