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About the EMHware-Caredove Integration
About the EMHware-Caredove Integration
Tim Berezny avatar
Written by Tim Berezny
Updated this week


About EMHware

EMHware is a cloud based Agency Management software used by community agencies to manage their client caseload and agency workflows.


The integration is available to any organization on Caredove's Advanced CBO plan or higher. Check with your EMHware representative for any associated EMHware fees.

Integration Summary

The Caredove-EMHware integration can import referrals received in Caredove to EMHware.

It includes the following key capabilities:

  • Import Caredove Referrals to the EMHware Referrals Module - Caredove referral arrives in the EMHware referral inbox based on a configured trigger, such as when it is complete or received in Caredove.

  • Map referral data to EMHware fields - Caredove referral data is mapped to EMHware referral fields for key data (such as registrant contact information). Other detailed form information is included in the Additional Information field.

  • Referral PDF summary - Imports an attachment of the Caredove Referral Summary PDF file.

  • Attachments - Import additional referral attachments into EMHware.

  • Client Matching - EMHware algorithmically determines if the referral matches an existing client based on the following fields: First Name and Last name and Date of Birth. If any of these field values change, EMHware will recognize the registrant as a different client.

Data Fields

The following fields are supported in the Caredove/EMHware integration:

  • Client/Patient Information section:

    • First Name

    • Middle Name

    • Last Name

    • Date of Birth

    • Gender

  • Address section:

    • Address

    • City

    • Province

    • Country

    • Postal Code

  • Contact Information section:

    • Preferred Language

    • Phone (Home/Main)

      • "Permission to Call?"

      • "Permission to Text?"

      • "Leave a Message?"

    • Phone (Alt)

      • "Permission to Text?"

      • "Permission to Call?"

      • "Leave a Message?"

    • Email

    • Permission to contact via Email

Data fields which are not listed above are not mapped to EMHware fields. However, they are included in a) the Referral Summary PDF and b) the "Inbound Referral > Additional Information" field in EMHware.

The "Additional Information" field can be configured to include any of the following sections from the referral:





  • ## FORMS



Every referral from Caredove is imported with a PDF document that summarizes the referral information from Caredove.

In addition, if the Caredove referral form had an attachments field and some attachments were included in the referral, those attachments will also be imported into EMHware.

After the referral has been accepted in EMHware, the attachments are visible in the "Client Summary > Attachments" section.


The integration has the following limitations:

  • Appointments not synced - Appointments from Caredove are not imported or synced to the EMHware calendar, but the Caredove appointment information is included in the EMHware referral summary.

  • Program History not filled - At this moment, the "Program History" section in EMHware does not automatically get filled out.

  • Referral Updates - EMHware can receive Caredove referral updates until it has been "accepted" in EMHware. This is why it is important to choose when to import Caredove referrals with rules that are aligned with your business process (see more details below).

Choosing When to Import Referrals

The timing for importing data from Caredove into EMHware depends on your business process. Caredove can be configured to send data to EMHware on the following referral event triggers:

Event trigger


Received (includes routed requests)

A new referral is received in Caredove (in the INBOX).


An existing referral is updated.

Edited Status - Ready

An existing referral sub-status is set to "Ready".

Edited Status - Received

An existing referral sub-status is set to "Received".


An existing referral is closed.


A new appointment is added to an existing referral.


An existing appointment associated with a referral is either rescheduled or unbooked.


An existing referral is archived.

Message from Provider

A communication is sent by the referral's RECEIVING organization to the sender.

Message from Requester

A communication is sent by the referral's SENDING organization to the provider.

The most common process to import referrals is after the referral handling and appointment have been completed in Caredove. This involves a one-time handoff of data at the end of the process, and it is the cleanest way to configure the integration.

Another possible process is to import referrals at the start of referral handling in Caredove, when the referral is received or marked as accepted (so that rejected referrals are not imported). With this method you will get the client into EMHware's Referrals module earlier, and continue to receive Caredove updates until the referral has been accepted in EMHware.

Your Caredove representative will help you define what import process is right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Q: Why is a particular referral not present in EMHware?

    • A: Check if the service listing in Caredove, associated with the referral, is integrated with EMHware. You can confirm this with your organization's liaison for Caredove or by contacting the Caredove support team.

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