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Caredove-CDIS / HCD-ISCIS Integration Handbook
Caredove-CDIS / HCD-ISCIS Integration Handbook
Tim Berezny avatar
Written by Tim Berezny
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to use the Caredove-CDIS Integration, which imports Caredove referrals into CDIS.


The Child Development Information System (CDIS, formerly HCD-ISCIS Healthy Chid Development Integrated Services for Children Information System) is a database that stores personal health information of children and families who receive services from four early childhood development programs:

HCD-ISCIS allows service providers to collect, use and share personal health information for the purposes of delivering services as part of the early childhood development programs.

Service providers must get consent from families before they enter their information in the database. Service providers are:

  • public health units

  • hospitals

  • children's treatment centres

  • other community-based organizations funded by the Province of Ontario

Integration Overview


The integration is available to Infant Hearing Programs that perform newborn screening and have subscribed to the Caredove / CDIS integration.


The Caredove-CDIS integration is built for importing newborning screening referrals and test results from Caredove to CDIS.

It includes the following key capabilities:

  • Import Caredove Referrals CDIS at multiple phases during its lifecycle - Caredove referrals can be process in CDIS in partially and fully completed stages in their lifecycle:

    • Referral invitation - without consent statement [??? check ???]

    • Referral creation - with consent statement and request for data completed

    • Referral updates/edits - with corrected information on the referral

    • Test results - with details about the outcome of the infant hearing screening test.

  • Map referral data to CDIS fields - Caredove referral data is mapped to relevant CDIS. The referral form may collect some information that is NOT used by CDIS, but is useful for agency workflow purposes

  • Client Matching - CDIS algorithmically determines if the referral matches an existing client based on the following fields: [??] First Name and [??] Last name and (??) Date of Birth.

  • Exception queue - If the client matching is uncertain, then the referral will go into an "exception queue", where the user can manually process the referral into CDIS.

  • User Matching - Users are matched between Caredove and CDIS based on email address

    • CDIS Screener - The Caredove "Appointment Provider"

    • CDIS Logged in User - The Caredove request provider. Note that if the form is a self sign-up, then CDIS performs some special handling [??? what is the handling ???]

  • Multiple Appointments - If the outcomes of the tests are performed across multiple appointments, CDIS will update its test results accordingly

  • Auto-add locations - When new service listings are added in Caredove, they will be automatically added to CDIS. Existing locations are matched based on the serivce's line2 value.

  • Data validation on Caredove form entry

    • Appointment date is < 8 weeks corrected age on appointment date

    • Health Card Number Luhn's algorithm

    • Baby Weight (0-9999 grams)

    • Primary contact (> 5 years)

    • Consent accepted/rejected date is on or after birth date

    • Most fields are marked as required.

Data Fields List

The following fields are supported in the Caredove/CDIS integration:

  • Baby Information:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Date of Birth

    • Health Card Number

    • Sex

    • Gestational age (weeks)

    • Birth Weight (g)`

    • Birth Hospital

    • Notes [??? check ???]

  • Consent Documentation

    • Consent statement

    • Consent provided by type (parent, legal guardian)

    • Consent provided by last name, first name

    • Consent obtained by (auto-filled from logged in requester)

    • Consent obtained date

  • Primary Contact Information

    • Contact type (Parent, legal guardian, (?)child protection services(?))

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Date of birth

    • Address

    • Primary phone

    • Secondary phone

    • Email address (used for confirmation / reschedule emails)

    • Language

  • Alternate Contact Information

    • Last name

    • First name

    • Phone

  • Screening Test Outcome

    • Stage (1 or 2)

    • Recommended date ("Referral date" in Caredove)

    • Screening site type (well baby, nicu, community, re-admit)

    • Location type (community or pre-discharge hospital)

    • Screening location (auto-filled from referred service line 2)

    • Right ear result

    • Left ear result

    • Screener details (auto-filled from appointment provider)

    • Unit serial #

    • Unit log #

    • Next steps (discharge, community screen, audiology, etc...)

    • Outcome Notes

  • Meta information

    • Agency ID (from referred service's organization identifier)

    • Location (from the referred Caredove service Apartment, Suite, etc. field)

    • Logged in user (from Caredove requester)

    • Not accessed /Finished date (for FAILED referrals) [???]

    • Not access reason (for FAILED referrals) [???]

Data fields which are not listed above are not mapped to CDIS fields, and remain in Caredove. These include:

  • Baby middle name

  • Risk factors listed on referral submission

  • Any questions customized to specific IHPs

Caredove Configuration Requirements

The following configurations must be properly configured and aligned with CDIS values for the integration to function properly:

  • Service Listing Line 2: The listing addresses must have the Apartment, Suite, etc. (a.k.a Line2) value filled. It is used to name the location in CDIS. If the

  • User Email Address: User email address must match between CDIS and Caredove

  • User Name: User's first and last names must each be under characters, and must not contain special characters that cannot be processed by CDIS

    • ` Grave Accent (Tick)

    • - Hyphen (Dash

    • : Colon

    • ' Single Quote

    • . Period, dot or full stop

    • Empty Space

  • Organization Identifier [configured by Caredove staff]: Each organization must be configured with the CDIS organization identifier. This is performed by Caredove staff

Closing a Caredove referral triggers special workflows in CDIS. Caredove must be configured with appropriate closed sub-statuses (configured in the Caredove "Settings > Workflow > Closed" table). Every referral in Caredove should eventually be closed.

  • Closed Status - Completed : "Completed" outcomes will be processed by CDIS. Sub-statuses are irrelevant to CDIS for completed referrals, they can be customized as per the workflow of the agency.

  • Closed Status - Failed: "Failed" outcomes will be processed by CDIS. The following failed sub-status codes must be configured to map to the CDIS Not accessed reason field:

    • not-able-to-contact

    • refused

    • interested-not-participate

    • not-appropriate

    • deceased

    • no-show

  • Closed Status: Rejected / Cancelled / Error: These closes statuses are rejected by CDIS, and should only be used if it is not desirable for a referral to be processed by CDIS (e.g., the referral was closed off as a test referral).

  • Eligibility: Each agency must configure the relevant eligibility requirements for their service listings. Users will be asked if they meet (yes/no) each requirement. Agencies do not need to list age requirement, as it is coded specifically into the form.

Error handling

Some actions in Caredove will trigger errors in CDIS. These errors could be to normal activity, or abnormal activity.

Normal Caredove Actions

The following normal Caredove behaviours will trigger errors in CDIS.

  • Action: In Caredove text questions (e.g., name) may contain the following characters, but CDIS will reject it.
    Resolution: Replace characters with alternate characters

    • ` Grave Accent (Tick) → replace with unaccented letter

    • - Hyphen (Dash) → delete

    • : Colon → delete

    • ' Single Quote → delete

    • . Period, dot or full stop → delete

    • Empty Space → delete

  • Action: In Caredove you may edit a completed/failed outcome in Caredove, but CDIS will reject it.
    Resolution: After updating the outcome in Caredove, manually update the outcome value in CDIS

Abnormal Caredove Actions

The following are possible but abnormal but permitted actions in Caredove, which will be rejected by CDIS

  • Do not set the outcome of a referral on a date before the appointment date

  • Do not set the outcome of a referral to no risk AND also select a risk

Video Tutorials

How to create a new referral

Video goes here

How to invite a referral

Video goes here

How to reschedule and appointment

Video goes here

How clients can reschedule their own appointments

Video goes here

How to complete a referral

Video goes here

Feature Roadmap

The following upgrades will be provided be Caredove during the UAT

  1. [Beta ready] "Add-on" Appointments

  2. [Beta Oct 7] Edit referrals using the new form

  3. [Beta Oct 8] Launch "internal referrals" from the inbox

  4. [Beta Oct 8] UI updates to clarify the distinction between reschedule, add-on appointments, refer again, and route.

  5. [Beta Oct 11] Information panel to detect & debug failed integration messages

The following upgrades are on the future roadmap to be provided by Caredove at a future date

  1. Convert outcomes UI to an advanced form

  2. Add form questions for Child Protection Services with alternate contact

  3. Add "Organization specific" questions

The following upgrades will be provided by CDIS at a future date

  1. Automatically converting special characters in text fields (e.g., first name, last name) so that an integration error does not occur

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