As a Caredove Network Administrator, you manage the organizations across your network and monitor network performance. Let's get started!
Review Organizations
It is very important that the organization is accurately reflected on the platform. We suggest starting with a thorough review of the organization information and the service listings. Network Administrators can review listings information to ensure consistency in listings descriptions across the network. If organization information needs to be updated, please let Caredove staff know in the chatbox and they can update that for you quickly!
Inviting Organization Administrators
Organization Administrators have a vitally important role within the Caredove platform. Org Admins are closest to their organization's operations and understand who works there, and in what capacity. Org Admins are responsible for keeping their listings and users up to date in Caredove.
** The role of the Network Admin is to ONLY invite the FIRST Organization Administrator at each organization within the Network. **
After the first Organization Administrator is invited and onboarded, the Network Admin should not further manage the users and listings within the organization. Caredove will continue to support Org Admins in their role to properly use the platform.
When you are ready to invite an Org Admin, navigate to the individual organization's Permissions in the Top Menu and select Add User.
Reporting is a key aspect of the Network Administrator role. Learn more here about running network-wide reports to track referral activity across all organizations.
Ongoing Support
Network Administrators keep in close contact with the Caredove Operations Staff through the in-app chat function. Network Admins receive premium level support at all times to ensure:
the right organizations are included in the network
the network search accurately displays relevant listings within project scope
Regular check-ins can be scheduled with your Caredove Operations Support Lead to apprise of future goals and provide impact to the Caredove product roadmap.