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Understand Predefined Reports
Understand Predefined Reports

Learn how to use the various reports and what each of them capture.

Rachel Shelswell avatar
Written by Rachel Shelswell
Updated over a month ago

Caredove offers a variety of reporting types to help capture all the data you need. Let's figure out which types of report will be best for you. 

What's the difference between Chart and Spreadsheet?

Chart Reports appear in either line, bar, or pie chart form.

To save an image of one of these reports, select the button on the top-right corner of the chart and select which file type you'd like to save. 👇

Spreadsheet Reports download as Excel spreadsheets (.xls files) which allows you to filter, manipulate, and create within them. 

Pro Tip:

If it's not yet the end of the month e.g., today is July 31, check the timeframe you're using for the report. If you want to capture referrals that have been sent earlier in July, for example, you'd want to check off the Show Future Year checkbox. Or if it's a more specific timeframe, use the Custom date field to specify the exact dates of data you want captured.

What does each individual report capture?

Chart: # Inbound Referrals over Time

Overviews the quantity of referrals your organization has received throughout a year. It's organized by month so you can monitor referral volume per year.

Chart: # Outbound Referrals over Time

Overviews the quantity of referrals your organization has sent throughout a year. This includes referrals staff have sent internally (to their own services), as well as externally (to other organizations).

Chart: # eBooked Appointments Provided over Time

Overviews the quantity of eBooked appointments facilitated by your organization, sorted by the month in which the appointment occurred. eBooked appointments are those initiated through Caredove and confirmed with a specific date and time. This report focuses solely on appointments with defined times; non-booked referrals, lacking specific appointment times, are not included.

Chart: # Inbound Unique Referrers over Time

Overviews the quantity of unique individuals that submitted a referral to your inbox within the period. This gives you the quantity of individuals who have submitted referrals to your agency. If one referrer sends 250 referrals, they will only count as one unique referrer.

Chart: # Inbound Referrals, by Primary Service Category

Bar chart that overviews the quantity of received referrals separated by service category (ex. Meals on Wheels, or Health Education Classes). Note: the service category is displayed as it is identified in Caredove, so if you use specific verbiage to describe Health Education Classes, such as Nutrition Workshops, you will only see the Caredove-identified Health Education Class listed.

Chart: # Inbound Referrals, by Requester Organization

Overviews the quantity of received referrals separated by requester (sender) organization. Ex. if TestCare sent you a referral for your In-Home Nursing program, then TestCare would show as a bar in this chart. Public sign-ups do not appear in this chart, as they aren't considered part of an orgaanization.

Chart: # Inbound Referrals, by Recipient Organization

Overviews the quantity of received referrals separated by recipient (receiver) organization. Ex. if TestCare sent you a referral for your In-Home Nursing program, then your organization would show as a bar in this chart. This chart is most effective for Networks, as it can show which agencies receive the most referrals within the network. Public sign-ups are included in these numbers.

Chart: # Services per Inbound Referral

Overviews the quantity of services referred to per referral. This number is usually one service per referral, but it can increase based on the types of referrals you receive.

Spreadsheet: Inbound Referral Summary Data

Overviews received referral summary data. It contains the following information: Listing, Month, # Total Referrals, # Source: Internal, # Source: External, # Source: Signups, % Non-booked, # Unique Referrers.

Spreadsheet: Groups Events Summary

Overviews received group events summary data. It contains information such as: Service Title, Service Address, Event Date/Time, Provided By, Waitlist Enabled, Max Size, # Registered, # Waitlisted, and more. This will only have data if you have calendar availability for group events/appointments.

Spreadsheet: Services List

Provides a list of your services and the various fields associated with those to see a variety of details in one spreadsheet. This makes it quite easy to do an overall service audit of your agency, and is well loved by organization administrators.

Spreadsheet: Organization Permissions List

Overviews all the permissions for users at your organization. This is frequently used to audit user accounts when cleaning up who should have access to Caredove.

Spreadsheet: Inbound Referral Raw Data

Overviews complete incoming referral data for referrals received at your organization or network. This can be used in multiple ways, but we definitely recommend utilizing pivot tables to analyze the data in more detail. Not all columns that appear may be relevant to your context, once downloaded you can easily hide/delete those you don't wish to see. Or, you can leverage the functionality of pivot tables by custom creating views of the data most relevant for your agency. For more information on how to create a PivotTable to analyze data, please click here.

Spreadsheet: Outbound Referral Raw Data

Overviews complete outgoing referral data for referrals sent from your organization. The format mirrors that of the above Inbound Referral Raw Data report, but with solely outgoing information. This is helpful to monitor what types of referrals, and in what quantity, your team is submitting elsewhere.

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