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Register for a Caredove Account

Learn the steps involved in registering for a Caredove account

Rachel Shelswell avatar
Written by Rachel Shelswell
Updated over 4 years ago

Caredove is an invitation-only platform, this means to have an account you must be granted one by either a colleague, network lead, or a Caredove team member.

If you don't fit any of the above requirements, note that you can send a referral without an account as a member of the public because we want to help you to connect with care!

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will operate under the assumption that you have received an invitation email much like this one:

In this case, click the hyperlinked Click here to join Caredove text to begin the registration process.

This will open a new window with this screen, select Continue:

Now you will see the Member Agreement which you will need to read:

Once you've finished reading it, please indicate whether or not you agree (note: you can check off the box to have aa copy of the agreement emailed to you too.)

If you've selected I agree, then you can begin to complete your account information:

Once you've completed the above pane, you have one final step and that is to read and understand your role and responsibilities:

If you select I understand then you have fully completed registration and will see a page like this which confirms your account is complete as this is the beginning of the platform:

Stuck or have questions about this? Contact the person who sent your invitation or a member of the Caredove team.

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